Health Needs Assessments
I am writing to make an information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, related to Needs Assessments carried out and / or led by your Public Health department.
I am writing to make an information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, related to Needs Assessments carried out and / or led by your Public Health department.
We have been advised by our Childrens Services and Adult Social Care that to complete the attached FOI it would exceed the 18 hour time limit (section 12).
I’m requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please can you provide the following information relating to the Council’s provision of temporary accommodation:
1. I'd be grateful for details of the £ spent on temporary accommodation for the homeless within the Borough in 2022/23 & 2023/24.
a) 2022/23: £874,499.79
b) 2023/24: £785,244.92
1. Will you please direct me to the business case for the Wokingham park and ride? I notice the Coppid Beech Park and Ride is open with lots of EV charging. I would be interested to see how it is being used and how the pay back is going against the Business Case.
1. Will you please direct me to the business case for the Wokingham park and ride? I notice the Coppid Beech Park and Ride is open with lots of EV charging. I would be interested to see how it is being used and how the pay back is going against the Business Case.
1. FOI request for any permitted development applications and resultant advice and decisions for Brunninghams Farm, Heath Ride, Finchampstead, RG40 3QJ, from start of records to today please.
Follow up in relation to WBCIR:17971.
1. I now ask for the evidence to be shown to me following this comment from your reply: “However, we can provide information regarding our understanding of traffic speeds on the A321 within Hurst.”
I write to make an enquiry in relation to social work practice of Childrens Services at Wokingham in relation to S17 Financial Payments.
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