Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, please can I request the following information:
1. How many pupils under your local authority with EHCPs attend an Independent Special School*? Please provide breakdown by financial year – 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24.
NHS Swap to Stop scheme
1. The names of the manufacturers that have contracts with your council to supply a) disposable vapes/e-cigarettes, and b)refillable vapes/e-cigarettes, under the NHS Swap to Stop scheme.
Polling day
On the morning of polling day, 2nd May 2024, I witnessed activities outside the Maiden Place involving a Hawkedon candidate, that were of sufficient concern for the WBC Officer in charge of this polling station to alert various stakeholders.
Carnival Pool Site
1. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I request a full list of all sub-contractors & suppliers (including postal address/postcode and office telephone number details which are already in the public domain so if not effected by GDPR) that are or have been involved on the
Section 114
1. Whether the council has considered submitting a section 114 since 2021 and whether the council thinks it will submit one in the next three years (until financial year finishing 2027).
Procured products and prices
1. I am writing to request the following information under the FOI Act: the exact products purchased, volumes per order, prices paid and date of order for all physical products (excluding food products) purchased by the authority.
Software used in maintained schools.
1. I hope you are well, I was looking to speak with you regarding the councils next financial software tender, in particular for the software you use for your maintained schools. Could you please let me know the below in relation to this;
• Supplier Name
Pedestrian crossing
1. How many pedestrian crossing or similar are under request or under review as of the first of May
There are currently 34 requests being assessed – 11 of these are at the same site.
WBC highways
1. What is in miles the amount of road WBC are responsible for.
This is a duplicate request, please see WBCIR:18253
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