a) Can you tell me how many trees the council has ordered to be removed in the last 10 years?
a) Can you tell me how many trees the council has ordered to be removed in the last 10 years?
Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) request.
1. Please supply for each ward in WBC the total number of ballots cast in the election held on 2 May 2024.
Incident: 19 September 2023
Location: Outside front entrance of Emmbrook Infant School, Emmbrook Road, Wokingham, RG41 1JR
Despite routinely carrying out important and vital work to support their communities, local councils are facing significant funding challenges.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please may you provide me with:
Under the FOI Act 2000 I am requesting the following information:
1.As of the date of receipt of this email (8th May) how many children with EHCPs are currently waiting for a school place in your council area?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, please list/provide me with:
1. The number of codes validated by childcare providers in your local authority for two year olds claiming fifteen hours of free childcare
Under the Freedom of Information Act, please list/provide me with:
1. The number of codes validated by childcare providers in your local authority for two year olds claiming fifteen hours of free childcare
As of 10/05 - 874
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