Last updated:

19th June 2024

What to think about when looking for childcare

It is a good idea to start researching into your childcare options as soon as you can. Many childcare providers have waiting listings. 

Think about visiting at least 2 or 3 childcare providers, so you can compare what they offer.

Read the childcare settings Ofsted inspection report. This can be found on the Ofsted website by searching using either the settings Ofsted number or their name.

Things to think about:

  • opening hours, including over the school holidays
  • what is included in the fees for example, food, nappies, wipes, day trips
  • is there space outside for children to play and do they get opportunities to go outside
  • what equipment and facilities does the setting have
  • are children taken to the park, on trips, attend play groups or activities 
  • what happens in an emergency
  • ratio of staff to children
  • in a nursery or pre school is there a key worker linked to your child
  • staff experience, training and qualifications
  • will you have to pay if your child is absent, for example, on holiday or off sick
  • does the setting ask for a deposit
  • if food is provided is it healthy or can you provide your own

The Coram Family and Childcare website has a useful five step guide to choosing childcare.

Children with special educational needs and disabilities 

Find out what support is available for children with additional needs by read the childcare settings Local Offer and SEND policy.

This can be done by searching for the name of the pre-school, nursery or childminder on our community directory.


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