Last updated:

19th June 2024

The duties of Ofsted in childcare

Inspect and regulate childcare services

Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) they inspect and regulate services that provide education or care for children and young people. Offering reassurance to parents by ensuring children are safe, well cared for and that they make good progress in their learning and development.

Find out more about the:

Inspections reports

When searching for a childcare provider, we recommend reviewing their Ofsted inspection report. This can be found on the Ofsted website by searching using either the settings Ofsted number or their name.

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Making a complaint about a childcare service

If you have concerns about your childcare provider, discuss these directly with the person in charge of the setting. This often resolves most issues. If you're not satisfied with the outcome, inquire about their complaints procedure.

If you’re still not satisfied after following the settings complaints process or you think Ofsted should be aware, contact Ofsted on:

Phone: 0300 123 1231


Ofsted does not deal with childcare contract disputes. If you need legal advice contact the Citizen's Advice Bureau.

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