Childcare, pre-schools, and nurseries

Find information and advice on childcare costs and funding, types of childcare and finding childcare

In this section

Early years childcare funding

How to access free early education or childcare

Funded childcare for working families

Claim up to 30 hours of childcare per week

Help with paying for childcare

Help you may be able to get from the government

Find childcare

Choosing and finding a childcare service

Starting nursery or preschool

Day nurseries, foundation units, and preschools

Wraparound childcare

Breakfast, after school and holiday clubs

Early Years Pupil Premium

Further government funding for childcare providers

Ready for school

Self help skills for pre school children

Nannies, babysitters and au pairs

Services that care for your child in your home

Applying for infant and primary school

When a child can start school, key admission dates

Thinking of becoming a childminder?

Ofsted registration, costs, training, and advice

Early Years Support Panel Referral

Refer a child and their family for support

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