Children and families

Care and support available to children and families

In this section

Ask for family support

Advice, assessments, and resources for families

Child protection and family support

Reporting concerns and family support

Childcare, pre-schools, and nurseries

Childcare services and free childcare entitlement

Children's centres

What's on at our children's centres and membership

Child Employment and Performance Licences

Find out what age a child can work

Holiday, activities, and food programme

Book and access the HAF programme

Cost of living help for people with children

Additional cost of living funding for parents

Early Years Pupil Premium

Further government funding for childcare providers

Leisure and activities for children and families

Local clubs, groups, entertainment, and activities

Schools and education

Information on school admissions and SEND

Health and wellbeing for children and young people

Access support services and crisis management

SEND Local Offer

Special educational needs and disabilities 0 to 25

Young people

Support available for young people aged 14 - 18

Wokingham Youth Council

For young people aged 11 to 18

Children in care

What happens when you're in care

Support for armed forces families

Resources for service personnel and their families

Useful web sections

SEND Local Offer

Special educational needs and disabilities 0 to 25

Schools and education

Information on school admissions and SEND

Health and wellbeing services

Local physical and mental health services

Young people

Support available for young people aged 14 - 18

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