Last updated:

27th June 2024

Looking after our roads

Roadworks in Wokingham Borough

Over time, our roads can become damaged. We work with our contractors, Volker Highways to get them back to a good standard as soon as possible.

Where we are working this year

We have a programme of works each year, which shows which roads we will be working on, the type of treatment or resurfacing they will get and an indication of when the works might take place.

To see live updates of when works are planned, visit the website.

How to find out about roadworks that affect you

Signs are put up to say that work will be taking place on the roads. We will also send a letter to residents and businesses on affected roads, which we aim to have with you two weeks before works are scheduled to start. The letter will include:

  • How you can access your property during the work
  • If any road closures or diversions are needed  
  • What the expected start and finish dates are
  • What the site working hours will be
  • What type of work we will carry out
  • What will change or improve

You can also sign up to our traffic and travel newsletter to keep up to date on where we are working, or visit our Facebook page.

If you receive a letter, but we don't arrive

Sometimes we have delays to works due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. In these instances, a postponed sticker will be placed on the advanced warning signs on your street, letting you know about the delay and the change of date.

Often, we can fit your road into the programme calendar within a few days, in which case you will see the date changed on the signs. When this is not possible, if we are able to fit it in within a couple of weeks, you’ll see a postponed sticker on the signs with a new date added when confirmed. 

If we need to move your road to later in the programme, we will remove the signs and you’ll receive another letter with a new date nearer the time.    

Report a road that needs resurfacing

You can see our schedule for this year below. If your road isn’t included and you feel there is a problem, please report it to us.

Access to your road during works

Roads will be closed during the works, meaning that access will be delayed or prevented. Here are some answered to some commonly asked questions:

  • We don’t have space on our drive for all our cars, can we park on the road?

You will not be able to park on the road whilst the work is happening, the letter will tell you when cars need to be off the road by. For cars that are left on the road, tow away schemes are in place.

  • I have a doctors appointment/school pick up/need to get to work, will I be able to get my car out?

It will only be possible to move cars when safe to do so, so you may be delayed or prevented from moving your car. We recommend parking your car elsewhere if you know you will need it whilst works are taking place.

  • Can I still receive deliveries?

Delivery drivers will need to park outside of the work areas and walk to make deliveries. If items are heavy (such as a food delivery), our workers will help.

  • What about emergency vehicles?

Emergency services have access to the roads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In instances when the emergency vehicles need access, works will stop and they will be escorted through.

  • My waste and recycling is due to be collected when you are carrying out works

We work with the waste and recycling teams to make sure that your collections can carry on as usual.

  • I have special circumstances that coincide with the works

If you have special circumstances that coincide with the works, such as a house move, wedding, funeral or you have a medical condition which means you are unable to walk to a vehicle parked outside of the work zone, please contact us via the general highways enquiry form and we will try to help you.

How we know which roads need repairs

We are continually checking the condition of our roads using technical surveys, visual inspections, and technical assessments and analysis. We then use this information to make our ‘annual road maintenance campaign’.

Sometimes, issues with the roads happen that we can’t plan for, but need to be fixed. This could be a pothole appearing, or damage due to an accident.  

For planned work, we focus on getting the best long-term value for money. What this means is that we consider over a much longer term all the roads in the borough in relation to one another when deciding which ones to maintain or repair first. You can find out more about asset management in our Highways Maintenance Management Plan.

Why we haven't done work in your area recently

When we put together our maintenance plan, we spend money where it’s needed most, rather than being allocated on a regional or ward by ward basis which would not give you value for money. We don’t always see problems straight away. You can report it to us, and if you included your email address in your report you will receive an update.

How we resurface the roads 

We have three types of treatment and resurfacing that we use:

  • Full resurfacing is a more extensive treatment, which involves removing layers of a worn out road surface and replacing this with new material. 
  • Surface dressing adds protection to the carriageway surface, sealing it from water while also enhancing its skid resistance. This protection can extend the life of the carriageway surface by up to 10 years. 
  • Micro asphalt surface treatment is a preventative maintenance treatment, used to seal the existing road surface, improve the texture and helps water evaporate. This type of surface treatment can prolong the life of a road by up to 10 years. It is mostly used in residential areas with slower moving traffic. 

The way these roads are chosen follows the method outlined in the section above. For more information read the Fixing Our Roads FAQ (PDF.)

Noise and road works

During daytime working hours, noisy works will be undertaken between 8am to 6pm. 

Sometimes we carry out work at night, when noisy works will start at 8pm and will finish by midnight. After this time, works will still continue through the night, but this will be less noisy. 

We must make sure our workers are safe, so as well as noise from the works, vehicle safety features such as reverse warning beeps and flashing lights will also be used as appropriate.

Site supervisors will take noise readings throughout the night to make sure levels are within the required threshold. If you have concerns regarding the noise levels please speak to the site supervisor.

Advice for motorists

  • Be safety aware – follow signs and instructions from site operatives.
  • Do not drive on newly laid surface until it has had time to dry.
  • Pay attention to advisory signs and do not park on the road when signs request you not to.
  • Keep to the temporary speed limits and avoid sharp turns to allow the surface to stabilise.
  • Check your shoes (and your pet’s paws) before entering your home or car. Bitumen stains can be removed with cleaner.
  • Accesses to businesses will be protected. Temporary floor covering is recommended in shops and offices.

Loose material left on the road after resurfacing

This is normal. Our contractors roll the chippings in, but once the road is open, the moving traffic further embeds the chippings - we will come back to check up on the road and keep it tidy.

Re-painting road markings

We have to wait a while for the new surface to bed in before re-painting the road markings. Key markings will be replaced with signage until the road is ready for us to paint.

We don’t just resurface and go, we check back in the weeks afterwards to check out any snags or defects, manage ironworks, manhole covers and to repaint road markings.

See where we have already completed work

In our Annual Road Maintenance Programme (PDF), you can see which roads in the programme have already been completed.

Contact us

Issues causing immediate danger, such as temporary traffic lights not working or an unsafe site, should always be reported by phone to 0118 974 6000 (select the option for the roads and road maintenance service) Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Call 0800 212 111 if it is outside of our office hours. 

If the issue is not dangerous, you can report an issue with a road and then track the progress of your report using the reference number provided.

We are continually updating the information provided here on our website. If you have a question we haven't answered on this page, please contact us through our general highways enquiry form and we will get back to you.

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