Last updated:

15th July 2024

How to find out about roadworks that affect you

To let you know in advance about roadworks that may affect you we:

  • Put up advance warning signs to say that work will be taking place on the roads
  • Send a letter to residents and businesses on affected roads

About the letter

We aim to have the letter with you two weeks before works are scheduled to start. The letter will include:

  • How you can access your property during works
  • If any road closures or diversions are needed  
  • What the expected start and finish dates are
  • What the site working hours will be
  • What type of work we will carry out
  • What will change or improve

If you receive a letter, but we don't arrive

Sometimes we have delays to works due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. In these instances, a postponed sticker will be placed on the advanced warning signs on your street, letting you know about the delay and the change of date.

Changes of a few days to the roadworks programme

Often, we can fit your road into the programme calendar within a few days, in which case you will see the date changed on the signs.

Changes of a few weeks to the roadworks programme

If changes within a few days is not possible, and we are able to fit it in within a couple of weeks, you’ll see a postponed sticker on the signs with a new date added when confirmed. 

Moving roadworks to a later date in the programme

If we need to move your roads work to later in the programme, we will remove the signs and put it back up with the new date nearer the time.

We will also regularly update the schedule so you can find out when the works have been rescheduled to take place.

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