Hurst, Haines Hill Valued Landscape, Haines Hill Estate and Stanlake Park
We request the following documents:
We request the following documents:
1. How many employees are part of your legal team?
2. Do you use external sources for legal advice and if so, what is the average monthly spend on external resources?
3. Do you use a legal research platform and if so, how much do you spend per month on this platform?
1. We would like to make a request for the contract details pertaining to the provision of electoral services printing. Please provide details of supplier and length of contract if applicable.
Please could you respond to the following questions, regarding highways delivery.
1. Do you use contractors or self-deliver highways maintenance for your local authority?
Yes – VolkerHighways
1. Please can you provide a copy of the initial contact letter sent to new home educators in your Local Authority?
Please see attached file
1. I understand that a Food Hygiene Inspection is required on or before August 31st 2024. Please would you provide me with a copy of the report.
1. I would like to know about any and all information you have relating to the planning, installation and possible removal and storage of a Sustarans millennium milepost on the Themes Path between Reading and Sonning.
We do not hold this information.
A member of the public fell over a damaged and uncovered drain (asset owned by South East Water) on 19/9/23 at 9am at Emmbrook infant school, Emmbrook Road, Wokingham RG14 1JR. The member of the public advised that this was reported to the council.
I am seeking details related to your council's procurement and expenditures in social care. I kindly request the following information:
1. The total number of care packages awarded to agencies for adult social care and child social care services between January 1 and June 30.
1. How many public EV charging devices are available in your authority? And how many of these are rapid or ultra rapid? (If unable to provide a break down please share total):
o The total number of devices: 157
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