Section 20 Children Act 1989
Please see the below Freedom of Information request:
1. Please confirm whether your local authority has a children's services department.
Please see the below Freedom of Information request:
1. Please confirm whether your local authority has a children's services department.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information.
1. Please provide the total number of social houses owned by your council: 2526
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to know information pertaining to the number of children and care leavers with insecure immigration status under your care as of 15/08/2023. The information requested is:
1. Regarding Wokingham Borough Council’s budgets for last five years, could I please have the contents (what the money is allocated for) that is recorded under the authorities ‘Reserves’?
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to request the following information relating to artificial caving systems within your area:
1. The names and locations of any artificial caving systems within your area.
Please supply the following information about your Technology Enabled Care Service:
1. I need to know when the council bought the smoothie bikes to be used at schools and for the public.
MyJourney purchased our current smoothie bike in October 2021.
This FOI is for the attention of council officers who oversee civil penalty enforcement in the private rented sector for the council.
1. Have you approved installation of EV (electrical vehicle) charge points for any grade 2 listed buildings and if so, how many in the last five years?
Yes (1 approved).
1. Since April 2020, has the council at any point used debt enforcement agencies (or similar service providers) in relation to cases of outstanding council tax debt? If the answer to question 1 is ‘no’, the council should proceed to questions 8 and 9.
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