Supported accommodation
Please may I have the following information:
Please may I have the following information:
1. The number of pupils (age 5-11) registered for Benefits Based Free School Meals (BBFSM) in both the last (22/23) and the current (23/24) academic year. I would like you to provide this information in the following format.
a) Total number of Pupils (Age Range 5-11)
Please may you provide me with:
1. A list of schools and collages within your local education authority area, to include name of establishment and contact email address.
I am writing to make an open government request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like answers to the question below:
1. Please could you provide me with details of the current pay scale/officer grade for the following roles or their equivalent within your organisation:
a) Customer Services Manager: NLG9 New LG Grade 9
b) Complaints Manager/Coordinator: NLG8 New LG Grade 8
An email was sent from the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Department of Education on December 5 2018 to all local authorities to “draw attention” to a “building failure” involving a property constructed with RAAC.
I would be very grateful if you would provide me with answers for the following questions regarding your carbon goals and printer agreements through the organisation:
For the 20mph Zones, and 20mph limits across the borough
1. In the last financial year 2022/2023 please provide me with the number of settlements and the total amount paid as compensation to teachers or teaching assistants for injuries sustained at schools or outside schools.
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