Homelessness relief and prevention duties
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please could you provide me with:
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please could you provide me with:
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would be grateful if you could comply with the following request. Could you provide the following information:
I am making this request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
1. The number of Afghan citizens who entered the UK under ACRS or ARAP are living within your authority area within Government funded bridging accommodation.
1. I am trying to obtain a copy of an informative that I believe was issued to 23 Chicory Close in relation to their Planning Application 212545.
I am writing to request the following information:
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we would like to request the following information.
I am conducting some research on telecare/assistive technology and how it may benefit older people who live alone, what councils approaches are to address this issue as well as how this differs by geography so that this information can be published to help TEC companies better meet the growing ne
I wish to receive the following information under the freedom of information act-
1. Does your organisation use specific performance management software?
1. Can I please get the following
• The cost of installation of a 30 mph roundels in hot mastic: 30 roundel in thermoplastic is approximately £35.00 depending on size, this does not include the establishment fee of £621.52. Works are batched up to avoid multiple establishment fees.
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