Moving and Handling Lead
1. To assist us in continuing to provide products and support to Councils please supply the following information - The name and contact details of the Moving and Handling Lead within your council.
1. To assist us in continuing to provide products and support to Councils please supply the following information - The name and contact details of the Moving and Handling Lead within your council.
1. I see you are planning to double council tax on second homes - would you be able to tell me how much you expect that to raise in the first year?
We do not hold this information.
1. I am requesting the name and email address for each commissioner working within Children's Services for Wokingham Council.
There are six commissioners for Childrens Services. They are delegated responsibility by Hayley Rees.
1. How many refugee/asylum seeker households presented to the local authority as homeless in October, November and December 2023 providing the reason for homelessness as “Required to leave accommodation provided by Home Office as asylum support”.
October: 13
November: 13
1. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is designated as Green Belt.
2. The proportion of the total area of your local authority that is designated as Green Belt.
We’d like to enquire the following information concerning your ERP and IT solutions:
1. What is your current core enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?
2. When does the contract for the current ERP solution expire?
1. How many schools in your local authority area have sought exemptions from the legal requirement to hold a daily act of Christian worship in each of the following years:
a) 2022-2023: 0
b) 2022-2021: 0
c) 2021-2020: 0
d) 2020-2019: 0
e) 2019-2018: 0
a) Do you have a standard parking bay size which is in place across your car parks?
Yes. Our existing off street car parks have been marked out using a mix of bay sizes either 2.4m x 4.8m or 2.5m x 5m in line with standards at the time of construction.
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