Adult gaming centre
According to a report to the Licensing and Appeals Committee on 23 January, an adult gaming centre in Wokingham failed an underage test purchasing operation carried out by officers in December 2023.
According to a report to the Licensing and Appeals Committee on 23 January, an adult gaming centre in Wokingham failed an underage test purchasing operation carried out by officers in December 2023.
1. Could you please send me a copy of the order and plan for the below order:
I am interested in understanding the cost of providing the National Diabetes Prevention Programme to eligible members of the public within your local authority's jurisdiction.
I would be grateful if you could provide the following information:
1. Number of manhole / drain covers stolen in 2023 (Jan-Dec 2023)
1. The name of each Monitoring Officer for the Authority since 1.1.2019. Kindly also provide the dates they were in post and any other roles they held within the Authority (before, during and after).
Monitoring Officer: Andrew Moulton (01.01.2019 to date)
1. Whether the council has weight management service contracts with Slimming World/Miles Bramwell or WW/Weight Watchers, either directly or through a third party organisation?
The property address is: [redacted], RG40 3AD.
Please can you confirm:
1. I would be grateful if you would provide me with an up-to-date copy of your data if there have been changes to your public rights of way in the last year.
1. What interpretation and translation provider do you use?
DA Languages Ltd, Language Line Services, 24-7 Language Services Ltd, EB Education Service – Languages, Jane Page Independent Speech and Language Therapist, Prestige Network
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