Last updated:

2nd February 2025

Who will be involved

Many people can help you with housing choices. A social worker, Personal Advisor, and a Homelessness Prevention Officer (or Housing Needs Officer) will all look at different housing options for you. They'll consider what you think and what's happening in your life.

Other people who might be involved are your carer, the Independent Reviewing Officer (up to the age of 18) and any other people you would like to have involved.

What does it mean?

Independent Review Officer (IRO)

Your Independent Reviewing Officer’s main job is to make sure that you are being looked after properly. They will hold a meeting every six months for you and everyone helping to care for you to make sure you feel safe and supported. You decide who will be in the reviews.

Homelessness Prevention Officer or Housing Needs Officer

An officer meets with people who are at risk of homelessness, and provide advice, support and signposting. Their job is to work with you to prevent you from becoming homeless.

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