Last updated:

2nd February 2025

Help to find accommodation

We aim to:

  • Give you as much information, choice, and control as possible before you leave care and in the first few years of being young adults
  • Help and support you to keep your tenancy
  • Have support available to meet your needs, regardless of where you live
  • Help and support you to manage your money
  • Make sure you don't experience homelessness

Read the Wokingham’s Joint Housing Protocol (pdf document) for full details about how Wokingham Borough Council help care leavers.

On the following pages, we have summarised some key information on planning accommodation options.

What does it mean?

Joint Housing Protocol

The Joint Housing Protocol sets out how Children’s Services and Housing, as well as other parts of the Council, will work together as corporate parents to ensure that young people who leave care have the housing and the support they need to live successfully as young adults.

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