Last updated:

17th June 2024

Housing options when you leave care

Waiting on feedback from service

Your social worker, Personal Adviser, and a Young Person’s Homelessness Prevention Officer will look at the options for you.

If you do not want to return to Wokingham, for example, because you have lived in a placement outside the area, the housing options may be different for you. Your social worker, Personal Adviser, and the Young Person’s Homelessness Prevention Officer will give you a realistic overview of the housing options available.

The variety of options which may be available are:

‘Staying Put’ with former foster carers

This is when you continue living with foster carers you were previously staying with after your 18th birthday.

Living in a supported lodgings arrangements with a host in their own home

This is living in the home of a host. You will have shared facilities. The host will help to provide you with guidance to help develop your practical skills and emotional maturity to move on to independent living.

Living in a Shared Lives placement in a family setting

This is only for care leavers with additional needs (mental health, physical disabilities, learning disabilities)

This scheme matches someone who needs care with an approved carer. The carer shares their family and community life and gives care and support to the person with care needs.

Living in a supported housing scheme

This is living in a house owned by the Council with other care leavers. You will have your own bedroom but will share communal facilities. You may have on-site support from a professional.

Living in ‘step-down’ housing, linked to a supported housing scheme, but with more independence

This is living in a house owned by the Council with other care leavers. You will have your own bedroom but will share communal facilities.

Living in self-contained social housing

This is living on your own in a property that the Council owns.

Living in a private rented tenancy (shared or self-contained)

This is living in a property owned by someone else who will rent it out to you. In this situation, you may live on your own or with other people.

Returning to live with family

This is where you return to live with a family member.

Living away at university and needing vacation accommodation

This means you will live where you go to university either in university halls or a private rental then when you come for university holidays the council will help you find temporary accommodation.

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