Last updated:

17th June 2024

Preparing for living alone

We want you to succeed and we will help you as much as possible to prepare for living alone.

We can help you prepare in the following ways:

  • Invite you to workshops to help you learn how to live independently.
  • Teach you how to budget your money.
  • Make sure you understand all the bills you'll need to pay if you live independently, such as water, gas, and electricity bills. We'll also help you avoid falling behind on payments by assisting you to resolve any issues quickly.
  • Make sure you know how to book an appointment.

We will also refer and signpost you to other agencies who may be able to help you, this can include:

  • Tenancy sustainment officers
  • Local housing-related support charities such as Transform Housing and Support
  • Other local charities such as faith-based

What does it mean?

Tenancy Sustainment Officers

Supports people with challenging and complex needs to set up and continue their tenancies, as well as working in partnership with other agencies to develop short-term support plans.

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