Last updated:

18th October 2024

Get in touch

Need help to find information

If you need help to find the information you are looking for or to give us feedback about what is available locally for 0 to 25 year olds with special educational needs and disabilities, please:

contact our SEND Local Offer co-ordinator

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Help us improve by giving us feedback on our website:

  • Is our SEND Local Offer easy to navigate?
  • Could you find the information that you needed?
  • Was there a service you were searching for that you couldn't find?

Use the smiley faces at the bottom of each page to submit your feedback, or email the SEND Local Offer Co-ordinator 


Can't get online

The SEND Local Offer can be viewed at your local library or you can contact the SEND Local Offer Co-ordinator for support.


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