St Paul's CofE Junior School - Lunchtime Controller

FTE salary £24,790 - Actual Salary £4,201
Application closing date
Job summary
The role includes looking after the children whilst they eat, encouraging good manners, as well as supervising the playground, promoting fair play and administering basic first aid.

St Paul's CofE Junior School - Learning Mentor with added Lunchtime Controller duties.

Grade 4 Scp 7-11, FTE salary, £25,584 - £27,269. Actual salary, £12,630 - £13,277
Application closing date
Job summary
The role involves working within a classroom environment, in partnership with the teacher, supporting pupils’ learning and emotional well-being.

St Paul's CofE Junior School - Learning Mentor

Grade 4 Scp 7-11, FTE salary - £25,584 - £27,269. Actual salary - £15,419 - £16,435
Application closing date
Job summary
The role involves working within a classroom environment, in partnership with the teacher, supporting pupils’ learning and emotional well-being.

Households with children in temporary accommodation

Request ID
Date Received

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following data pertaining to households with children in temporary accommodation. Please provide all of the data for two (2) time periods: end of September 2024; and end of September 2023

Special school deregistration

Request ID
Date Received

1. What percentage of children in your LA with EHCP receive EOTIS in line with s61? What percentage have a school named but their education provision is provided in full via s19 (including alternative provisions)? What percentage are electively home-educated?

Consultancy spending

Request ID
Date Received

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the council’s spending on consultancies. We seek this information to promote transparency and ensure public funds are spent effectively.

Home education

Request ID
Date Received

I would like to request, under the freedom of information act, the following information…

1. On October census day in 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2019, how many children and young people were you aware of being electively home educated in your local area?

Veterans and social housing

Request ID
Date Received

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you provide me with the following information on veterans and social housing in your local authority:

Veterans at risk of homelessness

Request ID
Date Received

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you provide me with the following information on veterans at risk of homelessness in your local authority:

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