Section 17 Children Act 1989
We write to request the following information under the FOIA in relation to assessments of, and the provision of support to, families with No Recourse to Public Funds (“NRPF”) seeking access to support under section 17 of the Children Act 1989.
Please can you provide the following:
1. All current employees renumeration scales, working within the department for Resources & Assets.
Resource & Assets
Please can you provide the following:
1. Names of the current employees working within the department for Resources & Assets.
2. List the tenure for said employees.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
1. For each of the past five years (2019-2024) how much did the council spend on fixing potholes?
Contaminated land
1. How many sites has the council identified as potentially contaminated land since the Environmental Protection Act (part 2) came into force in April 2000?
2. Of those how many were prioritised as the highest risk category?
Touch type payment terminals in public parking areas
1. The number of complaints received by WBC or their affiliates in relation to the function of the touch type payment terminals in public parking areas monitored by WBC, separating out so it is clear those in Denmark street.
We do not record this information.
Planning applications
1. How many full planning applications have been made in total since 2 April 2024? 127
UK Shared Prosperity Funding: People and Skills
1. Details of any schemes or programs operated directly by the local authority under the UKSPF People and Skills priority area. Include the budget and the number of staff allocated to the program or scheme and where appropriate the length of the program or scheme.
Staff wellbeing in the public sector
I would be interested in any information held by your organisation regarding staff wellbeing and would like to request the following information:
1. The job title of the person/s with lead responsibility for staff wellbeing.
Head of HR and OD
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