Public rights of way network
I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act (2000). I would be grateful if you could provide me with an answer to the following questions:
I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act (2000). I would be grateful if you could provide me with an answer to the following questions:
1. I would like to make a request under the FOI Act.
1. How many enforcement notices has your council issued against unauthorised gypsy traveller sites in:
2024: 5
2023: 8
2022: 1
2021: 8
2020: 3
SIDs on Toutley road.
1. Have the SIDs on Toutley road been withdrawn from the 3 month schedule? I notice that the last two have been missed while the units on Bellfoundry lane have been installed.
1. Do you manage Sheltered Housing Schemes (Independent Living Schemes) for older people? Yes
I would like to request detailed information on parking within your local authority for the period from April 2023 to March 2024. Please provide responses to the following questions:
I am writing to request the following information about requests for admission of summer born children to Reception at the age of five rather than four:
The purpose of this request is to gather data on the average figure the council spends on Christmas lights and decorations. For the purpose of this FOI, a celebrity is not the local mayor or MP. Anyone who has appeared on television, reality television, it is people in the media.
Please provide:
1. For each year between 2010–2024, the number of council-operated youth clubs
2. For each year between 2010-2024, the total capacity of council-operated youth clubs
1. A list of all civil injunctions restricting protest applied and granted to your public body since 2018. For each injunction listed, please provide:
- A copy of the court judgment
- A copy of any maps detailing the geographic where the injunction applies
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