Last updated:
30th October 2024
What we have achieved
Set out what we have achieved in making the borough
E.G. We are committed to working with partners and fulfilling our statutory duties to ensure that people are safe and feel safe in the borough. We have taken a stand to end all male violence against women by becoming a White Ribbon accredited organisation, engaging with boys and men to tackle male violence against women and girls.
We are committed to ensuring that we provide safe areas for children and families to play, interact and explore. We are encouraging the implementation of Play Streets, which will allow supervised and safe recreational activity on our highways for our communities to enjoy.
We are committed to effective maintenance of our buildings and assets, such as our roads and pavements, and to ensuring we appropriately regulate businesses and other activities in the borough to keep our residents safe.
Where we are now
- Approximately X% of A/B/C roads are in good condition.
- Crime rate of X per 1,000 persons - lower than the London and England averages.
- X violence and sexual offences per 1,000 persons - lower than the SE and England averages.
- X anti-social behaviour offences per 1,000 persons - lower than the SE average.
E.G. Adults' and children’s social care
Our commitment
Set out our commitment/expected outcome.
Borough level indicators
- % of people who use services who have control over their daily life
- Number of children looked after
Service performance indicators
- % of adults safeguarding cases closed with risks reduced or removed
- New Direct Payments as a % of overall packages offered
- % of care leavers (19 - 21 year olds) who are in contact with the local authority and who are engaged in education, training and employment
- % of 16-17 years olds in education, training or employment
Resilient borough
Our commitment
Set out our commitment/expected outcome.
Borough level indicators
- Average house energy rating in Wokingham Borough
Service performance indicators
- Number of residents receiving a Warm Homes home energy efficiency advice assessment
- % of performance targets met for Local Authority Liaison Officer attendance & opening emergency shelters
Keeping the borough safe
Our commitment
Set out our commitment/expected outcome.
Borough level indicators
- Crime rate per 10,000 population
- % of women and girls indicating feeling safe in public spaces in Kingston
Service performance indicators
- % of high risk domestic abuse victim / survivors who have received multi-agency support and action who experience a further recorded violent incident
- Number of professionals in Kingston receiving specialist violence against women and girls training
E.G. Taking care of our borough
Our commitment
Set out our commitment/expected outcome.
Borough level indicators
- % of A/B/C roads that are in good condition
- % of food businesses rated good or higher
Service performance indicators
- 100% of Category 1 defects repaired on time
- % of Regulatory Services requests responded to within 3 days
- % parks with a Green Flag accreditation
- Street cleanliness - % at Grade B or above (officer inspections)
- % of fly tipping incidents (on public land) cleared in 1 working day
- % of large fly tipping incidents made safe within 2 hours