Last updated:

30th October 2024


What we have achieved

Climate change is the gravest threat that we face, and we have a responsibility, here and now, to do all we can to reduce our carbon emissions as a council and as a borough. 
In 2019 we declared a Climate Emergency and in 2023 published our latest Climate Action Plan to reach carbon neutrality. 

Action to date includes the installation of 230 electric vehicle charging points, North Arborfield SDL Bus Strategy Published, 2109 children trained across the 3 levels of Bikeability, Love to Ride Audit completed, with 122 active companies and 2530 participants, 3 council owned cargo bikes are being loaned out to businesses and 1 is being used internally, 25,910 trees planted to date have contributed towards absorbing an estimated 3,886 tCO2e*. 

The climate crisis has also accelerated a loss in biodiversity. The local natural environment makes a huge contribution to improving air quality, reducing the impacts of climate change and providing homes and habitats for our local wildlife. 

We are committed to investing in and managing our urban and natural environment in a way that prevents a further decline of our native species, and to see wildlife flourishing in our borough, in our waterways, green spaces and urban areas alike.

Where we are now

  • 1X of parks and X of woodland, with parks, woodland and open spaces covering approximately X% of the borough, and a further X% of the borough being private open space.
  • Carbon footprint per person of X tonnes, with the majority of the borough’s emissions from the domestic sector and transport. 
  • X% of trips in the borough are by car.
  • Around X tonnes of household waste is collected per year, of which X% is recycled or composted, and the remainder is sent for energy production with less than X% landfilled.
  • An estimated X% of deaths are attributable to air pollutants PM2.5 and NO2 (population weighted average).
  • Of the borough's X schools, X have pollution levels exceeding the interim World Health Organisation air quality target for PM2.5, and X exceeding the interim target for NO2.

Estimated average EPC rating of [input].


E.G Our natural environment

Our commitment

Set out our commitment/expected outcome for each priority.

Borough level indicators

  • E.G. Accessibility of green space / quality of spaces 

Service performance indicators

  • E.G. Biodiversity net gain (awaiting DEFRA metric capture)
  • E.G. Number of volunteering hours supported by the council’s grounds maintenance contract

E.G Sustainable transport and air quality

Our commitment

Set out our commitment/expected outcome.

Borough level indicators

  • % of trips in WB undertaken by sustainable means 
  • % mortality attributable to air pollution (PM2.5 and NO2)
  • Number of schools where air pollution exceeds WHO interim targets for PM2.5 and NO2.
  • London Boroughs Healthy Streets Scorecard - overall score

Service performance indicators

  • Numbers of cyclists using key routes 
  • Number of residential cycle hangars
  • Total area protected by school street / low traffic neighbourhoods / traffic reduction methods
  • Number of public electric vehicle charging points

E.G.Waste reduction, recycling and reuse

Our commitment

Set out our commitment/expected outcome 

Borough level indicators

  • Kg of waste per household
  • Kg of recycling per household (by main waste stream categories)

Service level indicators

  • % of properties provided with a recycling service  - houses and flats
  • Household reuse and recycling rate

E.G. Energy and carbon reduction

Our commitment

Set out our commitment/expected outcome 

Borough level indicators

  • Borough carbon emissions

Service performance indicators

  • Council estate and operational carbon emissions
  • Number of council owned dwellings where carbon reduction measures have been installed
  • Number of businesses actively engaging in carbon reduction activity


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