Last updated:
15th January 2025
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
We are responsible for managing flood risk from local sources.
Our duties include:
- Developing and using a Local flood Risk management Strategy.
- Assessing local flood risk.
- Setting objectives for managing flood risk.
- Measuring how well flood risk objectives have been achieved.
- Providing information on how we will work with other risk management authorities.
For more information see the publications below:
- Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (PDF)
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF)
Permission to work near water - 'ordinary watercourse content'
Any work near a river, stream, ditch, drain or body of water may require consent from us. This is known as "ordinary watercourse consent".
To find out more read:
- Information about Ordinary Watercourse Consent (PDF)
- Cross sections of consentable activities (PDF)
- Application form for Ordinary Watercourse Consent (PDF)
Drainage policies
For further information read the Culverting Guidance Notes (PDF.)