Last updated:
21st March 2025
SEND Voices annual survey 2024: You said, we did
SEND Voices annual survey 2024: You said, we did
SEND Voices Wokingham is the parent carer forum for Wokingham Borough.
Their 2024 survey gathered feedback from families about the local SEND system.
The survey results are available to download and read on the SEND Voices Wokingham website.
Our response: January 2025
Local SEND partners, including Wokingham Borough Council, education settings and health services, have outlined key actions to address the feedback in the survey.
The actions will be monitored by the Wokingham SEND Assurance Board.
Read a summary of the actions below.
You can also download and read a PDF version of the Wokingham Borough Area SEND Partnership joint response to the SEND Voices annual survey 2024 (PDF).
Key actions
Expand the SEND Team to improve response times and relationships with families. Refresh the Area Partnership Coproduction Charter.
Rewrite procedures, launch an induction programme, and host ‘Meet the SEND Service’ events. Use Power BI to improve case management.
SEND Local Offer
Make updates to the Local Offer directory, conduct user testing, and improve educational setting information on our website.
Education and inclusion
Draft and publish a SEND Sufficiency Statement. Deliver 4 new primary and 4 new secondary resource bases/SEND units. Review outreach and alternative provision.
Transport and travel assistance
Co-design the independent travel training offer with families, launching by June 2025.
Social care
Redesign the short breaks offer, with a proposal by September 2025. Relaunch the CAN Network and launch a communication practice guide.
Parent and carer wellbeing
Continue workshops to improve early support and finalise the Helping Early Strategy by March 2025.
Preparation for adulthood
Simplify information for young people and families and host information events. Launch a Post-16 Hub in 2026.
Improve CAMHS access and collaborate with special schools around annual health checks information. Enhance support for neurodivergent children and young people to ensure it is needs-led.