Last updated:

27th June 2024

2024: feedback and responses

See some of the work we've done in response to feedback so far.

Education, health and care (EHC) needs assessment

You said

It would be helpful to have a flowchart that shows what happens from the moment we apply for an EHCP, in terms of timescales and who is involved.

We did

We published a flowchart that shows the different stages of the assessment process including timescales. It is available on how the EHC assessment works.

Complaints process

You said

The information on complaints processes needs to be clearer and more accessible.

We did

We created a guide to support you in resolving concerns about SEND. It includes information on how you can make a complaint and what to do if you are unhappy with the outcome.

You can find the guide on how to complain about a Special Educational Needs or Disabilities issue.

Contact the SEND service

You said

How do I speak to someone if I can’t find what I’m looking for?

We did

We have created a SEND online contact form to make it easier for you to get in touch.

SEND Local Offer newsletter

You said

Families told us that they would like to be kept up to date with news and information about what is on locally.

We did

We have created a SEND Local Offer newsletter. This provides news and updates each half term.

Read and sign up to the SEND Local Offer newsletters.

Preparing for adulthood event

You said

Families told us they would like more information about post-16 options and how their young person can prepare for adulthood.

We did

We held an in-person event where young people and their families could speak to colleges and local services to explore their options. Families told us this event was helpful and we plan to repeat this event in 2025. 

The Local Offer also has information about Preparing for adulthood.

Phase transfer online sessions

You said

Families told us they would like more information about moving to a new phase of education with an education, health and care plan (EHCP). This process is known as a phase transfer.

We did

We held two online information sessions to explain what to expect and when for the phase transfer process in the coming year.

The Local Offer also has information about transitions for children and young people with an EHCP.

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