Last updated:
27th March 2025
SEND governance: how partners work together
An important part of our special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) governance is our partnership boards.
The boards bring together leaders from across the local area, including representatives for children and young people and Wokingham Borough’s independent parent carer forum. Together they plan, evaluate and develop services for children and young people with SEND.
Wokingham Strategic SEND Partnership Board
The Wokingham Strategic SEND Partnership Board:
- develops our SEND strategy for children and young people
- makes sure everyone delivers on the agreed actions in the strategy
- makes sure the strategy is improving the lives of children and young people
The board receives a range of reports and information to help it evaluate and decide the next steps for our SEND strategy and services.
The board includes leaders from:
- Wokingham Borough Council (including education and care services)
- local education settings
- health services
- the voluntary and community sector
- Wokingham Borough’s independent parent carer forum
- children and young people’s representatives
Wokingham SEND Assurance Board
The Wokingham SEND Assurance Board meets to look at information across our SEND services.
It looks at:
- how well Wokingham Borough children and young people with SEND are being supported to achieve their goals
- how co-production is working across our services
It reports what it finds to the Wokingham Strategic SEND Partnership Board.
It includes members from:
- Wokingham Borough Council (including education and care services)
- local education settings
- health services
- the voluntary and community sector
- Wokingham Borough’s independent parent carer forum
- children and young people’s representatives
Wokingham Borough Education Partnership Board
The Wokingham Borough Education Partnership Board brings together leaders from Wokingham Borough schools, settings and Wokingham Borough Council.
The board looks at how schools and services can work together to:
- make sure we have the right number of school places for children and young people in Wokingham Borough
- support children and young people with SEND in school, post 16 settings and alternative provision
- close the disadvantage gap
- prepare children for school in the early years
- promote inclusion and support children and young people with their attendance or who are at risk of exclusion