Last updated:

31st May 2024

Who are short breaks for

Short breaks are for children and young people who:

  • are aged up to 18 years old
  • live in the Wokingham Borough
  • have a recognised disability which has a substantial and long-term effect on their ability to do normal daily activities require support to take part in leisure activities because of their disability

To find out more about who is eligible for short breaks services, read our Short Breaks Statement 2024 - 2025 (PDF document).

If your child or young person is not eligible

If you are not eligible for short breaks from us, we will explain our decision to you.

In most cases where a child has a disability, even if it is not substantial, there will be universal services available that they can get.

Search our SEND Local Offer Directory

You can access these services without an assessment. Speak to our CAN network Coordinator for information and advice.

Find out more about CAN (children with additional needs) Network and CAN Card on the SEND Local Offer directory.

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