Last updated:

17th February 2025

Special schools

To go to a special school, your child must have:

  • an EHCP
  • complex special educational needs

Wokingham Borough special schools

Addington School is for children with severe learning difficulties or profound and multiple learning difficulties, aged 3 to 19 years, in Woodley.

The Chiltern Way Academy is for children with autism, aged 8 to 16 years, in Wokingham.

Oak Tree School opened in September 2023. Over the next few years, it will provide places for children with autism and associated complex needs, aged 5 to 18 years, in Winnersh.

Find other special schools

Details of special schools in nearby boroughs are available on the Department for Education’s Get Information about Schools register. This includes:

  • maintained schools
  • academies
  • independent schools
  • non-maintained schools

Schools approved under section 41 

Some independent special schools and colleges have been approved under section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

Find a list of schools approved under section 41 on GOV.UK

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