Last updated:
27th March 2025
Wokingham area SEND self-evaluation framework (SEF)
Wokingham area SEND self-evaluation framework (SEF)
Partners across our local area have worked together to evaluate the impact of our services. We have used the Ofsted and CQC area SEND evaluation criteria to guide us.
Our self-evaluation framework (SEF) document explains:
- what we know about the impact of our services for children and young people with SEND
- how we know this
- what we plan to do to improve over the next 12 months
Our SEF is closely aligned with our SEND and Inclusion Strategy, which sets out our shared vision and priorities for the next five years.
Download and read the Wokingham Local Area Partnership SEF 2024-25 (PDF).
You can also read an executive summary of our SEF below.
Executive summary
Areas we are most proud of
Strong educational outcomes for children with SEND
Children with SEND in our borough continue to achieve excellent results, with educational outcomes for both EHCP and SEND support cohorts above national and regional averages. This helps set a strong foundation for young people’s future independence.
Expanded local specialist provision
We have increased our local specialist provision, including the launch of Oak Tree Special Free School, with plans to open two more special free schools by 2026. All our specialist providers are rated Good or Outstanding, and we have remodelled alternative provision in the borough to focus on empowering local mainstream schools.
Improved social care for children with profound disabilities
Recent ILACS and focused visits for children’s social care showed that children with disabilities are regularly visited by social workers, and their needs are understood holistically, leading to a richer understanding of their experiences and needs.
Engaged parent carer forum
SEND Voices Wokingham, the local parent carer forum, plays an essential role in shaping our services, providing support and constructive challenge. We’ve co-operated on projects like the Local Offer Live family information day and a parent engagement event with health to gain a greater understanding from parent carers about specific health topics.
Improved support for children waiting for services
We have a range of support for children waiting for therapies, Autism, and ADHD assessments, including parent workshops, helplines and online resources like “Young Sharon” to guide families.
Areas we are focusing on to improve outcomes
SEND communication
We have identified communication as a key area for continued improvement, especially in how we involve families in the development of plans.
Wait times
Our support while waiting offer has been strengthened this year, but we know wait times for autism and ADHD interventions are too long, and access to occupational therapy is not timely for many children without an EHCP. The NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board is working with regional and national teams to ensure improvement.
Helping early
We are strengthening our helping early offer, to ensure we deliver early intervention and support for families, children and young people who have additional needs but do not require a statutory intervention.
Health data
The NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board is developing a data dashboard to capture health outcomes for children.
Children and young people participation service
In 2025, we will launch a new service to ensure children and young people can participate, engage, and shape their local community, supported by dedicated officers.