Last updated:

30th January 2024

Staying safe for young people

As you become an adult, you’ll spend time out and about in new spaces, developing your independence and building confidence. Becoming more active in your community should be a fun and exciting time for young people but, unfortunately, anyone can be a target for antisocial or criminal behaviour.

On the following pages are resources intended to help you stay safe in different situations.

General safety advice

  • Don’t accept gifts from strangers or go alone with them to a second location
  • Listen to your body – a pounding heartbeat, sweaty palms, and churning stomach are signs you feel unsafe
  • Be careful what personal details you give out - including photos, your address, or addresses of places you go frequently like your school or college
  • Make sure someone you trust always knows where you are - tell them where you’re going, how long you’ll be, and when you’ll be back

Our directory lists multiple services you can go to if you want some advice around keeping safe:

young people's directory

Barnardo's support services for young people

Barnados offers practical and emotional support for young people. Their services provide support for:

  • Young people leaving care
  • Young carers
  • Homeless youth
  • Employment, training, and skills for young people
  • LGBTQ+ young people
  • Young people struggling with their mental health

To access all these resources and more, visit the Barnardo's website.

Safer Places Scheme

The Safer Places scheme was set up to provide a space for people to go to if they feel unsafe. If you go into one of these places and ask for help, they will offer you somewhere quiet to sit. They can also phone somebody to help you get home, or call the police, if necessary. To read more about the scheme and apply for a Safer Places Card, go to the Safer Places Website.

Fearless: anonymous crime reporting

If you know of a crime that’s been committed, you can report it anonymously here. The service is completely independent from the police, can’t trace your location or IP address, and will not ask you for any personal details.

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