Last updated:

10th June 2024

Paying for Adult Social Care

If I need a service or support will I have to pay for it?

Depending on your personal financial circumstances you may have to pay for some or all of your services yourself. We will complete a financial assessment and let you know how much you will be charged for the services you need. 

There are exceptional circumstances where we won’t carry out a financial assessment as we have a responsibility to provide services. These circumstances would include people who are receiving treatment under section 117 of the Mental Health Act. For example, you can get access to free aftercare if you are leaving hospital and you have had a mental health condition, with the aim of helping you stay well.

Certain equipment is provided by the NHS free of charge such as wheelchairs and walking aids, please contact your GP for a referral to your local provider.

Defining different kinds of payment

Personal budget

A personal budget is the amount of money that has been agreed by the Council to meet your care or support needs following a needs assessment under the Care Act. For a more in-depth explanation of how to get a personal budget and what it can be used for, see our personal budgets explained page.

Residential charging

How you pay for residential care, such as in a care home or supported living facility. See our residential charging advice page for a full breakdown and the answers to some frequently asked questions.

Non-residential charging

How you pay for at-home care. See our non-residential charging advice page for a full breakdown and the answers to some frequently asked questions.

Direct payments

Following an assessment, some people can ask for their personal budget to be sent to them directly. This means you are able to decide how and when you receive care yourself instead of the council doing this for you. For further details, including the criteria for eligibility, see our direct payments page.  

Deferred payments

Using the value of your home to pay for the full cost of residential care. To read about eligibility and how deferred payments work, see our deferred payments explained page.

Further links

Better Care Finance is a web platform that supports people going through the process of financial assessments for care. It uses animations and simple language to help guide users through self-assessments and answer questions.

visit the Better Care Finance website

Entitled to is a free benefits calculator that can help you understand what financial help you are eligible for.

visit the Entitled to website

Contact Information

Adult Social Care: 0300 365 1234

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