Support services and assessments
Find out more about care assessments
In this section
Information for support at home
Home care services
Support when you leave hospital
How to access support as you leave hospital
Adapting your home
Changes to your home and specialist equipment
Reviewing your care
Planned, unplanned, and requested care reviews
Request an adult social care needs assessment
Your eligibility and the needs assessment process
Advocates - Someone to speak on your behalf
How and when advocates can help you make decisions
If you can't make your own decisions
Information on assigning Lasting Power of Attorney
Benefits you may be entitled to
Check what financial support you can get
Adult Social Care support services
Our services that help if you need support
Appeal a social care decision
Request a review of a social care decision
Help with care costs from the NHS
NHS continuing healthcare and funded nursing care
Moving to a new council
Continuing your care and support when you move
Search for care services
Find local and national services using our tool
Strategies supporting adults
Read our policies, plans and strategies