Last updated:

7th June 2024

Deferred payment agreements for long term care

A deferred payment agreement can be used if you need move into a care home but don't want to sell your home during your lifetime to pay for your care.

We will look at your financial situation by doing a financial assessment. The assessment might show that you need to pay the full cost of your residential care. If the money you have is tied up in your home a Deferred Payment Agreement may help to pay your care home costs without the need to immediately sell your home.

Eligibility to defer your payments:

  • You have savings and capital of less than £23,250 not including the value of your home
  • You own your own home
  • No-one else lives in your home
  • You are/will be in long-term residential care - visit the arranging a needs assessment page to find out more.

If you can't make your own decisions

If someone lacks capacity to make decisions and is unable to apply for a Deferred Payment Agreement on their own then someone else can make decisions on their behalf.

Find out more about what to do if someone can't make their own decisions.

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