Last updated:
4th February 2025
Requesting a carer's assessment
Carer's assessment
Carers over 18 who are look after another adult can request a carer’s assessment by:
- Contact the Health and Social Care Hub on 0300 365 1234 or
- Completing the Carer's Self-Assessment Form (PDF document)
Arranging the carer's assessment
We will get in touch to arrange an appointment for the assessment to be carried out with a carers lead. This will be at a time suitable to you and your caring needs.
Support during the assessment
If you'd like support during your assessment, you may:
- Bring a family member or friend.
- Request an independent advocate which the council can arrange for you. The advocate will act in your best interests, ensure you are involved in the process, and help you understand what’s happening.
Parent carers assessment
If you have parental responsibility for a child or young person under 18 with a disability, you can ask us for a parent carers assessment.
Phone: 0118 908 8002
Young carers assessment
If you are under 18 and provide care for an adult, find out how to get an assessment and what support available on our young carers page.