Last updated:

3rd March 2025

Will the council be involved?

We have a duty to try to identify children who are not receiving a suitable education.

When we're told you're home educating we will:

  • Offer advice and support to parents
  • Add you to our home education register and send you an information leaflet, including an outline plan form for you to complete and return
  • Offer you an introductory meeting (either in person or virtual), within 4-6 weeks, to discuss your plans and early experiences


A chance to talk about:

  • Your plans for home education
  • Your experiences of home education so far
  • Whether you need any help and support
  • The activities and learning you've done with your child

The appointment can be held in person (at a location of your choosing) or virtually (via MS Teams or WhatsApp). You don't have to agree to the visit, you can provide a written report of the education you're providing instead. We aim to encourage an open, honest and supportive relationship with families who are home educating.

Following the initial appointment (or evidenced report), if the education is deemed suitable, we won’t need to be in contact for 12 months, when we will contact you for an annual review.

If you need extra support

If we deem the education unsuitable, the home education officer will make some recommendations for improvement and support. These will be put in writing and reviewed within 4 to 6 weeks.

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