Last updated:

3rd March 2025

Home education

Things to consider before you decide

If you're thinking about educating your child at home we encourage you to first think about your reasons.  If these are to do with issues at your child's school, we strongly advise you try to resolve these issues before home schooling. If the relationship with the school has broken down you can apply to another school.

Visit the in year admissions page to find out how to do this.


You'll be financially responsible for providing your child with a suitable education - there is no funding for home education. 

You'll need to take into account the cost of all resources and activities relating to home education, such as:

  • Books and study materials
  • Educational apps and websites
  • Attending home education groups and activities
  • Trips
  • Exam entry fees
  • Tutors

Teaching and education

You must be able to provide a suitable, full-time education and take into account your child's ability, age and any special educational needs. You'll need to think about teaching your child. You don't have to be a qualified teacher and you don't have to follow the National Curriculum. 

Education can happen at any time of the day or week. If you have to work then you will need to think about how this would work for you and your family.

Long term plans

If you would like your child to return to school at some point it is useful to use the National Curriculum as a guide. If you would like your child to go onto Further Education then you should consider the importance of sitting Maths and English GCSEs.

The Home Education Officer is able to offer advice on suitable exam boards and local centres which allow private candidates.

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