Last updated:

25th June 2024

Report broken or missing signs

Request urgent repair of road signs and report other missing signs

Urgent issues

If you're reporting an urgent issue that requires immediate attention, call:  

  • 0118 974 6000 and select the 'roads and road maintenance' option 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
  • 0800 212 111 out of Hours - Monday to Friday 5pm to 9am, weekend days and public holiday 

An urgent issue is defined as something that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious damage to property. We aim to respond to urgent issues within 2 hours.

Report a damaged or missing sign

To report problems with road signs you'll need:

  • The location of the road sign or marking
  • A brief description of the problem

Click the location of the broken or missing sign on the map, then select whether the sign is illuminated or not.

Report broken or missing sign

We aim to repair faults within 28 days.

To report multiple faults you'll need to create a report for each one.

To track a report you have already made

On the map, select 'track a fault' and enter your reference number. 

How we deal with reports of damaged or missing signs

You can report an issue with faded, damaged or missing road signs online. A reported damaged or loose road sign will be repaired or re-fixed where possible.  

If it isn't possible to repair or re-fix, or if a sign is missing, a replacement will be ordered and priority given to dealing with signs as follows:

  1. Regulatory signs: signs with red circles
  2. Warning signs: mostly triangular
  3. Direction signs: mostly rectangular
  4. Information signs: mostly rectangular

Damage caused to signs

Where damage has been caused to traffic signs/posts maintained by us, the cost of any repairs may be recoverable.  

If you're responsible for causing damage or are reporting damage caused by a third party, provide the following in the ‘Additional Information’ box when you make the report:

  • Date and time of the incident
  • Details of any vehicle that caused the damage, for example make, model, registration
  • Police ref number if available
  • Details of any witnesses who saw the damage take place
  • Details of any business that caused the damage

Request new signs

To request new signs go to the traffic management pages.

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