Last updated:
28th March 2025
Report a road safety concern
Report concerns with crossings, speeding and more
So far this year, our Traffic Management Team have received nearly 20 new requests every week via the report a road safety concern form.
We also receive requests for maintenance work, including pothole repairs and faded road markings such as yellow or white lines. These reports are dealt with differently via our mapping system.
In many cases we are unable to take further action as we receive a high number of requests, and must balance these against criteria such as traffic volumes, reported incidents and available funds.
The safety of our residents is our number one priority and decisions will be based on safety alone, however limited resources and budget, due to the council’s financial situation, will have an impact on the timescales as we must prioritise the works based on safety.
Reporting a concern
- Before submitting a report, please check our latest Traffic Management request list to ensure that your request is not a duplication of a request we have already or are currently investigating
- Please ensure you have evidence that can be uploaded to support your report. This can include photographs, traffic reports, or any other documentation showing the need for a parking restriction
- It is important that when reporting a concern, you explain the issue is in regards to (speeding, a crossing, pedestrian and/or cyclist safety) and the outcome you would like to see
- Your concerns will be assessed by an officer and they will recommend an appropriate course of action
- You will receive a response indicating the outcome of this assessment
Time scales once we receive your report
Review phase – 5 working days
The team will respond within 5 working days if further information is required. If this is a duplicate request then you will be advised and your case closed but you will be advised on the outcome of the original request.
Investigation phase - 60 working days
The team will carry out a thorough investigation and a decision will be made whether there is evidence of a road safety concern and if so, we will make recommendations that will be presented at our internal quarterly review meeting.
The case will be presented and they will decide if this case should be shortlisted for consideration. If shortlisted, detailed designs will be carried out and all schemes will be prioritised and they will be asked to bring this case back to the next quarterly review meeting for a decision on whether this case will proceed.
Consideration phase – 60 working days
If short listed, the designs and any feedback to Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) consultations, if applicable, will be presented at the next quarterly internal review meeting.
Approved phase – from 60 working days
If a TRO request is approved at the review meeting, it is usually implemented within 60 working days.
Any other type of request, such as speed calming measures will need to be programmed in with our Capital Schemes Team and will be carried out in priority order based on safety. Due to current resource and budget we may not be able to provide a completion date but it will be part of our rolling three year Capital Schemes Programme.
Concerns over speeding
You can also let us know about concerns over excessive vehicle speeds. We work with Thames Valley Police who are responsible for the enforcement of speed limits. We will investigate concerns and decide upon measures to help to tackle the problem.
Solutions that may be suggested
Possible solutions could include:
- Traffic calming
- Changes to parking regulations
- New road signing
- Changes to speed limits
- Installation of crossing aids like zebra, pelican or puffin crossings
- Installation of Keep Clear markings
Report issues with a road or a footway
Tell us about a problem with the condition of a road or footway that will go directly through to the relevant team to investigate. You can pinpoint the location on our mapping system and upload photos.