Last updated:

27th June 2024

Personal searches

To request personal search information email with the full address and plan. 

A personal search may be conducted by any individual but usually they are conducted by private companies on behalf of their clients. 

A personal search is an inspection of the Local Land Charges Register. This can be carried out by anyone and is free.

The Land Charges Team is not responsible for the accuracy of the personal search. Any queries arising from a personal search should be investigated through the Personal Search Company in the first instance and it is their responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the information that they have collated from the Local Authority.

If you rely on a personal search please remember that any information obtained is not covered by Section 10(3) of the Local Land Charges Act 1975, which relates to compensation for loss. The only way to receive this information is to submit the official LLC1 and CON29 forms.

To request personal search information email with the full address and plan. Requests must be received by 12 noon on the Thursday and we will then email you a schedule of matters affecting the property or land held within our register (Registrations held under Rule 7 of the Land Charges Act 1977) by close of business on the Friday.

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