Last updated:

24th September 2024

Emerging Local Plan Update

About the Local Plan Update (LPU)

Work is underway on a new local plan – the Local Plan Update – which will put in place a new planning strategy for the period to 2040. Once adopted, it will replace the current Core Strategy and Managing Development Delivery local plans.

The Local Plan Update will include a vision, objectives and strategy for development and growth in the borough. We know we have to plan for more housing, which is always a complex and controversial subject. We also need to plan for new employment, schools, roads, parks, shops and community facilities necessary to create places people want to live, work and do business.

The Local Plan Update must be consistent with national planning policy and guidance.

The timetable for preparing local plans is provided in the Local Development Scheme (PDF).

We will be undertaking a number of consultations throughout the LPU, which will be prepared in accordance with our Statement of Community Involvement.

Latest news

In December 2023 the government published changes to national planning policy. We are currently reflecting on the changes and putting together a revised timetable for the Local Plan Update. We anticipate that the next stage of engagement will take place in the summer 2024. We will update the Local Development Scheme in due course.

Keep in touch

If you would like to keep in touch with progress on the Local Plan Update and other planning documents, please sign up to our planning policy consultation list.

If you have any questions regarding the Local Plan Update please email us at

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