Last updated:

28th February 2025

Proposed Submission Consultation

Proposed Submission Plan

The Local Plan Update: Proposed Submission Plan (Regulation 19) consultation has now closed, with representations invited between 30 September and 5pm on 13 November 2024. The plan sets out the planning policies proposed to manage development across the borough to 2040.

At this stage representations focused on the plan's legal compliance and whether it meets the ‘tests of soundness’, as set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Please find the key documents in relation to this consultation below:

Please note that some of the documents are not fully accessible to online screen readers. Anyone who requires assistance can contact the planning policy team at

You can find further supporting evidence base documents and topic papers on our evidence studies page.

There is also an interactive map available which allows you to view the proposed site allocations, Local Green Space designations, and other policy areas proposed in the plan:


A series of consultation events were held during the consultation period. You can view the information boards used at those events below:

Next steps

We are currently in the process of collating and analysing all comments received. We will then undertake any further work required before submitting the Local Plan Update and all supporting documents to the Secretary of State.

Following this, an independent Inspector (or Inspectors) will be assigned and the public examination of the plan will be held. Dates for public hearings will be set by the Inspector, and opportunity to participate can be requested as part of representations to the Regulation 19 consultation. We will update these pages over the coming months as the plan progresses.

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