Teacher of English - Maternity Cover
Teacher of Art
Business Rates Credits
1. Please can you email me a list of October or Q2 (most current) business rates credits you currently hold for businesses including:
• The company name for whom the credit exists
• The start date of the business rates account
Vehicle fleets and associated systems
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please may I request the following information.
These are all questions pertaining to Local Authority/ Public sector vehicle fleets and associated systems
SEND department
Follow on request from WBCIR:18611
The linked information for the Tri-x record states that "...Care must be taken to ensure that information contained in records is relevant and accurate and is sufficient to meet legislative responsibilities and the requirements of these procedures."
Section 38 agreements
1. Please may you provide an up to date list of all Section 38 agreements within the Borough?
Legal team
1. What rate do you pay for seeking advice or services from any Joint Legal Team(s) administered/managed/run by other Boroughs, for example Reading Borough Council and what is the process for recording and invoicing at Wokingham Borough Council ?
CCE & CSE data
As a freedom of information request, please provide, from 2015-2024:
Homelessness amongst people who are granted refugee status
I am doing some research into homelessness amongst people who are granted refugee status in the UK. I would like to request the following information under Freedom of Information.
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