Pub in Arborfield Green
At a Council meeting, the Executive Member for Planning stated in respect of the possible pub in Arborfield Green that discussions are underway with a pub operator.
At a Council meeting, the Executive Member for Planning stated in respect of the possible pub in Arborfield Green that discussions are underway with a pub operator.
1. How many safeguarding referrals have the LA received from Ofsted ,where Restraint in schools was raised as a safeguarding concern? Please supply Data for the last 5 years.
Since 2018, we have had two safeguarding referrals from Ofsted, that related to the use of restraint in schools.
1. How many children in your LA currently have an EHCP?
Could you please respond with the following data. I am looking at information holding and sharing and its impact on missing children. Requests: for the last 5 years (2019-2023)
1. What is the refugee status of the individual missing children (not missing children episodes)
1. How many Interim / Temporary and Contract workers do you have in a management position across Adult services over the last 12 months. (including Social Care, Public Health and Commissioning) This could be at:
• Team Manager: 1
• Service Manager: 2
• Head of Service: 1
Under Freedom of Information could I request the following?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, we would like to request the following information:
1. How many council owned, public football pitches do you currently operate (latest figures available)
Please provide me with a copy of the following:
1. The total capacity of Pupil Referral Units in Wokingham Council at any given date in February 2023.
Foundry: 47
CAMHS Phoenix: 16
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