The information I require is to do with the organisation’s CCTV maintenance and support contract. Please can you send me the information stated below:
School outturns
Questions 1-6 concern schools’ revenue budgets.
Self-build register figures
I am trying to find where you publish your latest self-build register figures please.
Facilities Management
You may have received the same request in the past and this information sent has now expired and I require an update as soon as possible for the following contract data for services around facilities management specifically around the services below:
Housing developments/GP practices
1. How many new homes have been built as part of developments in your council area in each of the financial years:
a) 2023/24 (as much information as can be provided):
b) 2022/23:
c) 2021/22:
d) 2020/21:
e) 2019/20:
f) 2018/19:
Finance, HR and Payroll Systems
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please provide me with the details requested below concerning the software and/or SaaS products you use to manage your organisation’s Finance, HR and Payroll needs.
Parking penalty charge notices (PCN)
In the calendar year 2023
1. How many parking penalty charge notices (PCN) has the borough issued.
18771 Penalty Notices issued.
Minerals First List
1. Please could you send us a copy of the council’s Minerals First List?
1. How many libraries were run and staffed by your council in the financial year 2010/11?
10 libraries
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