S106 Financial Contributions
1. I have been unable to locate various S106 legal documents via your portal, please could you attach or inform me how to access them in your response? Planning Reference:
• F/2006/9192
• O/2010/1432
1. I have been unable to locate various S106 legal documents via your portal, please could you attach or inform me how to access them in your response? Planning Reference:
• F/2006/9192
• O/2010/1432
1. Which single street in your council area has produced the highest income from traffic or parking violations (income from just fines) in the 2022/2023 financial year?
1. Please provide all, if any, correspondence the business "Marks out of Tenancy Ltd." and its managing director has had with your local authority, including any application form and terms of any grant or scheme agreed (redactions accepted where necessary for non-business individuals).
1. How much deficit/pressure/overspend have you identified in your Medium Term Financial Strategy IN (a) 2024-25 (b) 2025-26 and (c) 2026-27. Please do not provide me with a figure for 2023-24 or any year before that.
1. For last year (2022/23), and within the local authority area:
a) What was the average cost to relevant providers of delivering Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs);
In September 2023 a matter was raised of illegal damage to TPO trees with the council's planning team and landscape teams (Suraj Phandey). I understand that despite numerous emails and conversations, this matter has not been resolved.
Could you tell me as of the start of September 2023 school term:
1. How many SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) children do you hold on your records?
1981 EHCPs as of 27.02.2024.
2979 SEN Support (as per census October 2023).
1. Has your council declared a climate emergency?
1. Please provide all summary evidence from the recent consultation on household waste collection changes that supports claims that reducing recycling collections to fortnightly is supportive of increasing recycling rates in the borough.
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