Temporary accommodation providers
1. Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used caravans and/or holiday parks to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless.
1. Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used caravans and/or holiday parks to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless.
1. Please confirm the following details for your adult social care, social work community teams and reablement/neighbourhood teams supporting older people:
a) The name of each team
b) The specific postal address of each team
c) The specific email address of each team
1. Could you please provide a csv (or xlsx) file containing the following information on all individual planning applications from Jan 1 2010 to Dec 31 2023?
1. I would like to know how much the council has spent on energy bills in each of the last three financial years?
See attached file.
Cllr Fishwick told the press recently “The Department for Transport has criteria which must be met for new pedestrian crossings that include factors such as pedestrian numbers, traffic flow, road characteristics and safety considerations." He was using this to blame government regulations for why
1. Please confirm the following details for your adult social care, social work community teams and reablement/neighbourhood teams supporting older people:
a) The name of each team
1. How many council homes are currently owned by your local housing services?
2. How many council homes owned by your local housing services are occupied?
Number of service users: younger adults (18-64)
Highway Bond Provision
1. What is the total bond value for S278 and S38 agreements for a) 2020-21, b) 2021-22 and c) 2022-23?
An average of £5.1m over the 3 year period.
Please may I have the following information:
1. The number of reports received of anti social behaviour in Carnival Multi Storey car park on Wellington Road for the last 12 months (Feb 23-Feb 24)
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