Published on

6 September 2024

Help your town and village centres thrive

Residents and businesses are encouraged to give their views on Twyford village centre, Wokingham and Woodley town centres

People sitting out in an outdoor space

A new strategy is being drawn up to support the town and village centres in Wokingham Borough, in the face of ongoing challenges from changing economic climate and shopping habits.

To help shape the new Town Centre Strategy, the council is seeking views on how Twyford village centre, Wokingham and Woodley town centres are being used, and how they perform as places to do business.  

The new strategy will understand the individual character and identity of each of these town and village centres, the challenges facing them as well as new opportunities ahead. It will also shed light on how UK’s changing economy and the way people shop is impacting the town centres in the borough.

Once complete and approved, an action plan will be developed to outline what the council will do to achieve the priorities and objectives set out in the strategy.

The strategy will also be reviewed and refreshed at least every five years to reflect the latest economic situations locally and nationally.

Two surveys, open until Friday 4 October for residents and business owners to complete, are available on the council’s Engage Wokingham website.

Clear vision to support growth

Cllr Mark Ashwell, executive member for economic development, sport, leisure and the arts, said: “The new Town Centre Strategy will set a clear vision for our town and village centres, and guide how we will support them to grow and thrive. 

“Over the last few years, the rising costs of doing business and growing shift towards online shopping have been impacting town centres across the country, including ours. We’ve been supporting businesses in our town and village centres, using the government funding to hold jobs fairs and drop-in sessions as well as providing grant to boost their indoor and outdoor markets.

“The new Town Centre Strategy will form an integral part of our wider work to drive the economic growth of the borough, so please do take some time and share your thoughts on the town or village centre you often visit or run your business in.”

Collaborative effort to create a new strategy

Feedback from residents and businesses will be considered and reflected in the draft strategy document, which the council will be creating together with town and parish councils of Twyford, Wokingham and Woodley towns.

The strategy will go before the council’s decision-making Executive before the end of this year, and a detailed action plan will be developed following Executive approval.

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